Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Memories...he was cool even at five

ok--so it's not exactly MY Monday Memory this week, but rather my husband's. And really he was no help. I pulled up this photo ---this super adorable photo, I might add!---and asked him about it. His response?...

'it was the bi-centennial my kindergarten year.'

care to expand on that?


well, why not?

'I don't want that photo getting out.'

*sigh* oh, honey. you know me better than that. it's on my computer---it's OUT! love you!


snazzykc said...

No one is safe in blogland!
How fun...

Tamara said...

He is a lucky guy - look at that beautiful head of hair! Cute pic - I agree...

Heather Lough said...

Great photo--sounds like Dale--just not cooperating with what we need. I keep meaning to do the Monday Memories thing.

Carrie said...

hee hee That is SO cute!

StefRobrts said...

I love the HAIR! Please note, I am not offering up any of my own mid-70's grade school pictures for comparison ;)

Lee Ann said...

Belly lauhing here. Not at the photo as much as he "didn't want it to get out." Hilarious!

rebanerck said...

his face looks so much like MIchelle's did the first time I met her. Wow. not that he looks like a girl... :-)

Dee said...

charming--your husband...not you! :0)haha

Anonymous said...

actually, i was ten in this picture and i was chaneling my inner "Magnum P.I." at the time. Man, what a hair helmet I had!