Sunday, December 23, 2007
Happy Birthday, Jesus

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Gabby is 7!
Celebrating with Chuck E. Cheese
Tonight, on Gabby's actual birthday, we went to Chuck's, ate pizza and played games. Chuck E. even stopped by our table and gave Gabby a special birthday ice cream sandwich.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 19, 2007
We have a two year old!
When looking at this photo of Evie today...

We celebrated Evie's birthday today with a yummy, cake. Ian and Gabby decorated the house beautifully and Evie enjoyed opening her presents. It was simple and low-key, and very enjoyable :) We are planning to celebrate her birthday again, along with Gabby's, in December.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Evangeline!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Evangeline's dedication
She was very curious with all of the goings on around her, but did very well through the whole service. (about 20 minutes long)
It is still so amazing to me that I get to be her mother.
I am so in awe and so grateful.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Happy Birthday Dad!
ian, dad, gabby, evie and my sister, christianna...last Christmas.

...hmmmm. nice, dad. moving on...

I love you, Dad!!!
Happy Birthday!
Halloween tradition continued...

Peace. I dig it, man. (er...mom) :)
Halloween tradition
remove the youngest two, and it's not too difficult to get a shot of Tiger Lily (Gabby), cheerleader (Hannah), Captain Hook (Ian) and Darth Vader (Justin)

hey! speak of the little ones...Evie and Owen as Tinkerbell and a frog.
on the couch they are better contained, even some smiles!...however, it does look as though Owen is texting for someone to get him out of there!
As Hannah's mommy, Heather said, trying to get a group photo of all 6 was exactly like "herding cats"!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Homecoming Dance
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Catching Leaves
Friday, October 12, 2007
How to Eat Like a Child
Carefully place the macaroni on the handle of the spoon. Why? Using the right end is too easy.
Better yet, forgo all utensils and just tip bowl of food into mouth. It's faster.

Sunday, October 7, 2007
A super "Sweet" request!

Friday, October 5, 2007
Well, at least it doesn't strike the same place twice!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
On the first day, in the first grade...

So, I am a bit behind in getting this post up, but last week, Gabby's HomeChoice classes began.
She is taking Chess, Spanish, Adventures in Music, and World Crafts this year, along with the PE and swim lessons she is continuing through the YMCA and her ballet with On Your Toes Studios.
Her favorite class, so far is Chess. She wants to play all the time. Mommy does not know how to play, but plans to learn soon. Gabby has volunteered to teach me. Oh, to have the confidence of a six-year-old. Only 2 classes under her belt and she is already offering her expertise :)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Dinosaurs at our house!
Hannah, Gabby and Hannah admire their finds.
Justin watches as Jessica carefully unearths her dino.

Ian's 4th birthday party was this evening. We invited a few prehistoric guests as well as some of his friend's and we all had a wonderful time...digging for dinosaurs, hunting down a dino nest filled with eggs, making dinosaur magnets and especially, eating volcanic cake! ...and after all that, when we asked Ian what his favorite part of the party was, he said "jumping on the trampoline"...aaaahhh now that's why mommy and daddy stayed up all night planning activities and burying dinosaurs and eggs. :)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Happy Birthday, Ian!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
First Day of the Last Year

Colorado Springs Getaway

a night shot of the hotel that blurred, but you have to see the beautiful sky.

Oh! It was lovely! Five days (ok, so two of those had some travel in them, but almost 5 days) of he and me time :) I have to admit here that it was mainly me time, since Jeff was actually working most of the trip. I was able to spend time at the gym, to walk around the beautiful grounds of the resort looking at the ducks, swans, squirrels and various birds. I also went horse-back riding one morning. It was really amazing; riding trails around Pike's Peak.
In the evenings, my hubby and I were able to relax together. We even went two nights in a row to an old-fashioned bar called the Golden Bee where a rag-time piano man played songs and everyone in the bar sang with him. It was such fun...and yes, Jeff did sing along.
We were also able to spend an evening with my step-sister, Kelsey. She works for a home builder in Colorado Springs, and she took us around to many of the beautiful models in the area. A dinner at the Elephant Bar, a really unique restaurant, topped off the evening. It was great seeing her again, and we agreed that it cannot be this long between visits next time!
Our final day at the Broadmoor was spent relaxing at the pool. It has two water slides to the side and the main part is a "zero-entry" pool, which means it is like walking into the ocean...no steps, just a gradual slope. The pool looks like it flows right into the lake behind, it is just gorgeous. I am actually jealous of us now...ah...back to reality this week!