That sounds like reason for a new post!
Not like there is anything else going on in our lives...
Actually, I've never been a big fan of chocolate cake ~ but if you are, maybe we can work out a deal, you see, I LOVE frosting. and sometimes it can be awkward just asking for a slice of frosting. or (in today's cupcake day mode) just licking the frosting off the top.
not considered polite.
In other news...
~we are now living in southern CA
~we are Disneyland Annual Passholders who visit at least once a week (mommy works it into the homeschool curriculum)
~Jeff commutes to work in LA by train every morning
~Ian turned 7 years old (!)
~Poppy Gove (Jeff's dad) had back surgery, but is now on the road to recovery
~mommy and kiddos traveled back to WA to visit last week
~and, lastly...sadly... Twinkle the fish went to the great fishbowl in the sky yesterday (as she was approaching 5 years old...we weren't really shocked at her passing, but it was still hard on our animal loving Gabby)
I will write more about each of the above listed events (some posts have even been started!) ~ but for now...I am going to go find some frosting...yes, still thinking about that frosting...
oh! and the photo is one Ian snapped on the road trip--(unedited)--I think we have a budding photographer :)
seriously, folks. some of you have been asking for a new post for a while--do you see now why I have been avoiding? has there ever been a more random post than this? *sigh* thanks for loving me anyway.
5 Savory Breakfast Ideas
7 hours ago
random is good. I check every couple of days, and I was getting bored with saying goodbye to washington... haha
I did eat a chocolate cupcake today, but could have done with out the frosing. We should share from now on, you lick off the frosting and I will eat the cake so there is no waste... :-)
ha ha ha - I too was tired of Goodbye WA and will take a random frosting filled post anyday!
Oh no! I missed it! Wonder if I can celebrate Belated Chocolate Cupcake Day...
And I always love your posts - random or not. :)
It's always good to hear from you and read your posts...
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