Gabby has been taking riding lessons this year at a wonderful stable near our house. However, the lure of gymnastics recently pulled her away from riding and I am currently enjoying an inside seat during lessons at the gym (it is stinkier but much warmer ~ especially this time of year!). BUT, if birthday party desires are any indication of where a girl's true love lies...well, we may be back in the stable before long :)
Many of Gab's friends were able to join us for her pony party ON her actual birthday (so nice when they fall on a Saturday!) And Miss Kathryn really went out of her way to give everyone a fantastic experience. We all learned so much about horses and ponies during the tutorial time, and then all the kiddos got to ride TWICE! ice cream cake and presents rounded out a fun (although super cold) December day ;)
so happy :)
Gabby, back in the saddle again!
even little sister goes for a ride
wonder what the wish could be? couldn't possibly involve horses...
the saddle Gabby sat on to open her presents!
Fun time all around :)
Oh, Gabrielle, I have so many wishes for you ~ on your birthday and always. mainly, I wish you to know just how very loved you are. and what an amazing young lady you are becoming. 9! whoa!--is that possible?! Each year has been more and more wonderful with you. You make me smile everyday with your songs and dances and dreams of being a 'rock star'. To me, you always will be. I love you, Babs. :)
Beautiful 9 year old - loved the party pics! I'm so glad you are back in publishing mode - missed you! Is this Royal Ridges? Just wondering where she did riding lessons - Taylor would love to do them when she turns 8 - in one short year - oh how they grow up so fast!
That is so awesome! What more could a little girl want :)
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