Monday, April 7, 2008

introducing a fabulous young ADULT!

Shell and her friend, Maria, and boyfriend, Nick.

at Joe's Crab Shack doing a birdy dance.

Shell is 18 years old today! It is with both joy and sadness that I mark this occasion. First, and primarily, joy because she has entered this world of young adulthood with grace. Save a few, minor missteps(oh, now, even I know she's not perfect!), she continues to amaze me with her ability to think for herself, lead a crowd, bless her friends, and cherish her siblings. The twinge of sadness comes from the part of me that wants to rewind and hold on just a bit longer. That this beautiful person will no longer be living under my roof, asking my advice on a certain outfit, borrowing said outfit out of my closet...!, in just a few, short months.

A Chinese proverb says that a parent gives their child both roots and wings. My prayer is that her roots will be strong enough, her wings will be long enough...and that she will soar.

I love you, Shell.


rebanerck said...

do you ever have a way with words... WOW!

annaliese said...

thank you. it is still so amazing to me that i get to be her mom and see her become who she is today and who she will be. Truly a blessing I never expected :)