Our feet at the pool.
self portrait before dinner.
me and romadin.
a night shot of the hotel that blurred, but you have to see the beautiful sky.
me, in the pool.
Jeff had a conference in Colorado Springs this past week, and, with the help of Shell (the super sister, and wonderful daughter who did both mornings and evenings with the kiddos!-wow! what a wonderful treat for us--we love you!), Gramma Lee (who sacrificed her birthday retreat for the sake of helping with the grandkids--much love!!), and 2 dear friends (I love you Heather and Vanessa!)...I, Annaliese went with him! We stayed at the Broadmoor Resort, a five-star (oh my) hotel and spa.
Oh! It was lovely! Five days (ok, so two of those had some travel in them, but almost 5 days) of he and me time :) I have to admit here that it was mainly me time, since Jeff was actually working most of the trip. I was able to spend time at the gym, to walk around the beautiful grounds of the resort looking at the ducks, swans, squirrels and various birds. I also went horse-back riding one morning. It was really amazing; riding trails around Pike's Peak.
In the evenings, my hubby and I were able to relax together. We even went two nights in a row to an old-fashioned bar called the Golden Bee where a rag-time piano man played songs and everyone in the bar sang with him. It was such fun...and yes, Jeff did sing along.
We were also able to spend an evening with my step-sister, Kelsey. She works for a home builder in Colorado Springs, and she took us around to many of the beautiful models in the area. A dinner at the Elephant Bar, a really unique restaurant, topped off the evening. It was great seeing her again, and we agreed that it cannot be this long between visits next time!
Our final day at the Broadmoor was spent relaxing at the pool. It has two water slides to the side and the main part is a "zero-entry" pool, which means it is like walking into the ocean...no steps, just a gradual slope. The pool looks like it flows right into the lake behind, it is just gorgeous. I am actually jealous of us now...ah...back to reality this week!