Monday, February 15, 2010

(costume) Designing Woman

Designing the costumes for a local production of Pride and Prejudice has given me new appreciation for fabric, seamstresses and historians.

Anxiety dreams have filled my head the last few nights, and auditions are still 2 days away. It is this waiting that is driving me crazy. I have had the designs done (for the most part) since last month, but until the roles are cast, it is not possible to begin the measuring, sewing and altering.

I have never undertaken anything this large in the costuming world before. The last show I designed for required creativity (one character had to look like he was a Macy's Day Parade balloon, complete with miniature figures dangling from his arms and legs to anchor him), and the show before that had much Goodwill hunting (ha!), to find '80's acid washed denim and hideous jumpers.

Nothing like this. This has upwards of 30 characters. It is set in early 19th century. In England. with soldiers. British soldiers during the Napoleonic period. do you have any idea how complicated their uniforms were? not exactly something that can be modified from something you find at Goodwill.

Fortunately! 1. I have an amazing team of extremely talented seamstresses. (soooo important (sew important?), because beyond the occasional Halloween costume...I do not sew!) and 2. I have a mom who loves fabric and fabric stores and knows so much more about it all than I do and is willing to go with me as often as I need, to get the best bargains ...even if it means being at the fabric shop 4 days in a row over President's Weekend! and MOST important3.  I am not costuming for this...

I  can't even begin to imagine.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day Dinner

My husband surprised me yesterday by arranging for childcare(awesome!) and treating me to a 'date morning' :) He took me to an adorable cafe in downtown Portland where we had the yummiest french toast (mine had cherries with dark and white chocolate on top!) and then browsed in a very cool military/outdoor equipment surplus store ~ so different from our usual dinner and movie dates (which I also treasure!) ~ I LOVED it!!! great job, baby ;)

To celebrate Valentine's Day and the Chinese New Year today, we had a formal dinner at our house, complete with custom printed napkin rings with each person's name and the Chinese zodiac sign for the year they were born. This year is fun for me, since it is the Year of the Tiger ~ the sign I was born under! (yes, that makes me 24... :p)  The chocolate dipped fortune cookies we opened this year were pretty funny...I have never seen fortunes quite like these ~ Shell's read : "You think that is a secret, but it never has been one." while mine was less ominous, yet disturbing in its own way (remember--this is MY fortune): "You and your wife will be happy in your life together." What?! Who writes fortunes that are gender specific??!! or as eerie sounding as Shell's??!! ah well, they were good for some laughs around the table. ( more laughs ensued when Ian opened his revealing "strike while the iron is hot"...yikes! not exactly the fortune needed for my aggressive hitter! no striking please!) Speaking of Ian, I received the sweetest Valentine from him. There is something special about the first Valentine received that is written with real words that he sounded out to write to me. I have early ones from both Shell and Gab and now I will add his to my keepsake cards. It is so fun to watch them all grow ~ I can't believe he is already reading and writing. I think when Evie reaches that point I will breakdown into a blubbering mess. For now, I am trying hard to not rush these growing up years. They are changing so much everyday. and I am so in love with them all. Shell, Gab, Ian and Evie ~ thank you for being my Valentines! you make my life sunshiney :)

and to you, Mr. Gove. thanks for picking me, and putting up with me ~ I'm loving this life together.

Friday, February 12, 2010

who needs the Olympics? we got medals!

Gabby proudly displaying her medal she won on Wednesday during a creative  competition. Her team had been working all year on their challenge and it was such fun seeing it all come together. Congratulations, Gab!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Annual Blazer/ Laker Game

It's a Shell and dad tradition that dates back to when we first moved up here from L.A. (yes, we root for the 'wrong side' for living in the Portland area).

and since today is Monday--let's add a Monday Memory:  here they are in 2005!
proudly sporting her team's jersey :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog

This just in:

He saw his shadow!

He didn't see his shadow!

*hey--no one was really ready for it to be Spring yet, were they?!*

Monday, February 1, 2010

Computer Camaraderie

Ian is often asking daddy for help in finding certain LEGO sets or individual pieces. I love the pure delight on his face here as they find exactly what he was wanting. And he's not even getting it--he's just happy knowing it exists! (ok--so he'd probably be happier getting it than not, but he was ok with it when we said not now)

On another note: the title of this post is actually something I crave during the day as the three of them battle over their one computer. You see, Gabby needs it most of the day for her school work, since hers is a computer based CD curriculum. But Ian and Evie have both discovered they love computer games--and once Gabby is done with her school work, she wants to be able to play on non-school sites as well! Soooo...mommy ends up giving up her computer which sometimes creates a WORSE scenario, because now instead of 2 not being able to play--there is only 1 left out :(  and yes. I am aware that there are other things they could be doing. and yes. they ARE doing other things most of the day. BUT. really. computers are a huge part of many of our lives right now. and they will most likely be an ever HUGER part of our children's lives---ALL their lives! so I believe it is better to teach them now how to work on them, it's just the sharing and time management skills that I need to be working more on now :)