Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Bunnies

all my bunnies!

gab and ian admire their work

Everyone always looks so precious on Easter. This year was no exception. Gabby decided that she wanted matching dresses with Evie, so that was really cute! Ian picked out his own outfit for the second time. It was more casual than last tie this time.

Church, of course, was packed. Even with 3 instead of the usual 2 Sunday morning services, it is difficult to fit everyone that shows up for the "important" church days. :) No matter, we celebrate a risen Lord that knows our hearts and loves us. He loves everone, even those who only make it to church twice a year. Even those who never go.

Now, a few days later we have 2 dozen multi-colored, hard-boiled eggs that probably won't get eaten because not enough of us around here like them, mounds of chocolate eggs that probably will get eaten because, of course, we all do like them, and fun memories of another blessed Easter.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Who Moved My Cheese?

Life with a two-year old, spicy girl is never dull.

Evie has learned how to open the refrigerator...yes, that is a huge block of cheese.

...and, yes, she is enjoying it while standing on the table.

Really enjoying it.

At least mommy got some pretty cute pictures out of it. And a good laugh.